Nothing Said During an Annual Review Should be a Surprise

Around this time of year, many managers present their employees with formal annual reviews.

For many, these meetings can make employees nervous, but, when done properly and professionally, these reviews should be non-events.

Good managers will communicate with their employees THROUGHOUT the year; giving constructive feedback so employees can grow and progress in the organization and in their own careers.

Therefore, when the annual review comes around, it should simply be a documentation of the main points discussed during the last year. That’s it.

Not-so-great managers won’t actively manage their employees and will potentially use the annual review to sabotage and/or hold employees back from a promotion or a raise by first giving negative feedback during this time.

Use your annual review to gauge how you feel about your current company.

If you find yourself surprised (in a bad way) during your annual review, take it as a clear sign that your current company may no longer deserve your efforts in 2021.

Alternatively, an easy, fair review with no surprises is a good indicator of a strong manager and a positive work environment.